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First Post!

I haven't had a blog in about 20 years. Exciting!

I (Stefan) am a web developer with 17+ years experience. I've worked at Bandcamp for the last 5.5 of those but am now starting my own business. It's called Chobble - a nonsense word.

The business will:

This is a very different approach from most web agencies who instead want to lock you in to using their platform and want you to rely on them for everything, so you need to start from scatch if you move.

I think that sucks, and want to give my customers full control of the things I make for them. I also want my code to be useful for people who aren't my customers. I want a visitor to my site to be able to be able to learn the full workings of how to create and host their own website, and they can choose to pay me to help them or not.

I've got a good bit of work to do yet - make a proper website, think of services and pricing, get my server settings ironed out, etc etc.

But I've made a good start -

I've also started working on a fairly big Ruby on Rails project on my local machine, which I'll share details of once it's ready for a public alpha launch.

Some of the near-term upcoming jobs on my list are:

And then in the longer term, some vaguer goals:

Alright - for a first blog post I don't think is too terrible. Ciao!